Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sugar Addiction
Now how could you be addicted to sugar? According to Eric Stice, a neuroscientist at the Oregon Research Institute, sugar activates the brain the same way as addictive drugs such as cocaine. Stice found that when something sweet touches your tongue, say soda or barbeque sauce, the brain releases the feel good chemical dopamine, in the same manner as if you took cocaine or drank alcohol. So each you time you ate something sweet, even mildly, you experience euphoric feelings. However, much like a drug addict the feeling of euphoria begins to diminish, so you keep trying to find that first high, which leads to consuming more and more sugars.
So what is the solution? I believe that we should completely avoid sugars as much as we can, and much like a drug addict go through a detox. Try drinking your coffees or teas black. Avoid sweet juices such as soda (even diet) or boxed fruit juice, and go for real fruit which even though has sugar, does contain fiber which slows down the absorption of the sugar. Be sure to eat foods like tomatoes, onions, or brewer’s yeast which are rich in the mineral Chromium which can stabilize blood sugars. I also believe that once per week each month, one should try a Ketogenic diet, which limits or removes completely carbohydrates and sugars from your diet. This will leave you with only fibrous carbohydrates, fattier proteins sources such as salmon, and more healthy fats like fish oil, avocado, coconut oil and so forth. This will allow your body to produce glycogen (stored energy created from sugar and carbohydrates) from your body fat. The benefit here is that you stabilize insulin levels, and can even lose weight in the process if that’s your goal.
I hope you found this information useful, and not too nerdy :). As always stay fit and well family :).
Monday, September 3, 2012
Hidden Dangers of Antiperspirant Deodorants
Salmon the tasty
Aluminum and Cheese
The only way to avoid aluminum laced cheese is to make sure that its labeled organic. However, if you ask me I think cheese should be avoided all together because its very difficult to digest and clogs the arteries more than any food. But hey that is a whole other discussion :). Stay fit and well family.
Canola Oil and its Hidden Dangers
Canola oil is the single most toxic of all plant oils. In studies done when given to rats, they develop fatty degeneration of heart, kidneys, adrenals, and thyroid glands. Get this, when it was removed from the rat’s diet, these fatty deposits when away. In humans it has been linked to increase incidence of heart disease and cancer. In order to avoid canola oil be sure to read labels, or cook with coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, or avocado oil which all have higher flash points. Stay fit and well family.
Turmeric The Super Spice
When cooking with Turmeric be sure to also add pepper in the meal. Pepper helps the Turmeric get absorbed so that it goes into your bloodstream versus staying in your gut. Some doctors also advise buying Turmeric in health food stores, in pill or capsule form. The benefit of buying it in a bottle, is that it is usually combined with a compound called piperine (comes from peppers), which aids absorption. An ok dose is about 1,000 milligrams a day. Stay fit and well family.
You Gotta Love Cilantro
Naturally Boosting Testosterone
1) Lift Heavy & Basic
Incorporate basic movements that involve several muscle groups in your training routine. Great compound movements are barbell squats, dead lifts, and military presses. These basic core exercises have been shown to play an important role in testosterone levels. Make sure to train with high intensity for short periods of time. Your overall weight training workout should not last longer than 60 minutes. Train hard and get out of the gym to let your muscles recuperate and grow!
2) Sleep Well
If you are not getting enough sleep the body is not recuperating well, which causes less testosterone and more corticosteroids to be released. FYI corticosteroids like cortisol are in fact catabolic hormones meaning they use up muscle tissue to provide the brain and the heart with energy. Sleep has a tremendous impact on testosterone levels. Your testosterone levels can plummet 40% down by having poor sleep quality. Focus on getting 8-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal rest and recuperation.
3) Watch The Alcohol
I know it is easier said than done. But did you know that alcohol has the property to inhibit your ability to remove estrogen from the blood stream by acting as a central nervous system depressant and also by decreasing zinc levels. Alcohol should be avoided when trying to increase testosterone levels. FYI healthy normal men, consuming reasonable amounts of alcoholic drink, experience a 20% drop in their serum levels of testosterone, in women its worse, since they already have higher levels of estrogen.
4) Eat More Fat
Fats are used by the body create cholesterol, which is one of the ingredients used to make hormones such as testosterone. Be sure to consume the right amount of polyunsaturated fats (omega 3 fish oil), saturated fats found in organic meats such as beef, chicken, turkey, and monounsaturated fats found in avocados, nuts seeds, olives and other plant sources.
5) Don't Over Train
Always allow your body to recuperate adequately between your workout sessions. If you don't, your circulating testosterone levels can plunge by as much as 40 PERCENT as was discovered by studies performed at the University of North Carolina. The symptoms of over training are easy to diagnose: irritability, insomnia, muscle shrinkage and an overall feeling of fatigue. To avoid over training, make sure you rest at least 48 hours between muscle groups and sleep a full 8-9 hours per night.
Stay fit and well family.
Peanuts Suck
If you are looking for an alternation to peanut butter, try almond butter, or walnut butter which contains no aflatoxin. Also some studies have shown that peanut cooking oil has low levels of aflatoxin. So if you are currently using peanut oil, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Stay fit and well family.
Mentrual Cycle and Bloating
So how can you combat this issue? Well the first thing I suggest is to get to know your body, to point where you can pinpoint when your cycle will occur. FYI, there are several sites such as
I hope you found this random tip useful :). Stay fit and well family
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Organic, Antibiotic- and Hormone-Free Meat: Expensive, But You Better Buy It
Ever wonder why its important to eat organic, antibiotic- and hormone-free meat, even though it so much more expensive? For starters, antibiotics kill both bad and good bacteria, and a large number of good bacteria in your intestinal tract aid in food digestion. However, antibiotics are also helpful to humans as a useful treatment for illnesses such as Lymes disease and Staph infections. The key to correcting the bacterial imbalance after antibiotic treatment is to eat foods rich in probiotic cultures or take a probiotic supplement , in order to repopulate your intestinal tract with good bacteria.
So how do antibiotics compromise the quality of the meat we buy and our health? According to the Organic Consumers Association, approximately 70% of all antibiotics produced in the US are fed to healthy chickens, pigs, and cows for nontherapeutic purposes, like growth promotion. Essentially, antibiotics promote efficiency of feed use, better yet, growth is stimulated with less feed. Ultimately, this results in reduced costs for say cattle producers, which translates into lower prices for consumers.
Unfortunately, the rampant use of antibiotics in livestock production has been linked to the development of drug-resistant strains of bacteria, such as e coli and salmonella, which can be passed on to people who consume undercooked beef and poultry. In addition, there is some concern that the use of antibiotics in livestock production maybe contributing to the development of Methicillin Resistant Staph (MRSA). MRSA is a type of staph infection that is drug-resistant, and transmitted not by eating, but by handling tainted meat from animals that were given antibiotics.
How do hormones play into all this? Scientists believe about two-thirds of American cattle raised for slaughter today are injected with hormones to make them grow faster. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this is a safe practice. But hey, when are notoriously underfunded government agencies such as the USDA and FDA ever wrong?
Ironically, according to the European Union’s (EU) Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures Relating to Public Health, the use of six natural and artificial growth hormones in beef production poses a potential risk to human health. These six hormones include three that are naturally occurring—Oestradiol, Progesterone and Testosterone—and three that are synthetic—Zeranol, Trenbolone, and Melengestrol.
The EU’s Committee also questioned whether hormone residues in the meat of "growth-enhanced" animals can disrupt human hormone balance, which could cause developmental problems by interfering with the reproductive system, and even lead to the development of breast, prostate or colon cancers.
Children, pregnant women and the unborn are thought to be most susceptible to these negative health effects. For example, hormone residues in beef have been implicated in the early onset of puberty in girls, which could put them at greater risk of developing breast and other forms of cancer.
So, in a nutshell, by eating mass-produced meat, we are potentially exposing ourselves to hormonal imbalances and strains of harmful drug-resistant bacteria. The EU has long been alarmed by the health threats posed by US meat. It has banned the import of hormone and antibiotic treated beef from the the US since the late eighties.
So when your pocket screams at the cost of buying organic, antibiotic- and hormone-free meat, don't be dismayed. It will cost you more in the long run.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Knowing When To Take a Break
If you answer yes to most of the above questions, then there is a possibility that you are overtraining. Essentially, overtraining occurs when an individual trains extremely hard for a long period without sufficient rest, and the body is no longer able to adapt and restore homeostasis. This can occur in both strength or endurance sports
The study also indicated that cortisol (the stress hormone) was reduced at rest and after training. There was also evidence of a decreased sensitivity to the Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which indicates that the player's adrenal functions were impaired. The post-exercise ACTH response was 43 percent lower than in control players in the study, indicating that the adrenal gland of the overtrained players were chronically fatigued. This occurs when the body is under too much physical stress for too long and it must continually produce excess cortisol, ultimately exhausting the adrenals and resulting in blunted levels of cortisol and ACTH along with an electrolyte imbalance. This can also cause us to crave sugar and salt. One can argue that endurance athletes like soccer players and marathon runners are at a great risk of overtraining. However, strength athletes and the average Joe can also be at risk.
According to world renowned trainer, Charles Poliquin, one should make a concerted effort to "monitor for overtraining by doing regular performance measurements that are related to your sport or training style and pay attention to training heart rate. Poor mood, feelings of anger and tension, and chronic exhaustion, especially in the morning when cortisol should be elevated, are easy markers to pay attention to. Additionally, a hormonal test for GH at rest and ACTH after exercise can provide a more definitive diagnosis for overtraining." I have used these markers in the past to convince an overtrained individual that they need to rest and recover, rather than training harder to counter drops in performance."
Another way to prevent overtraining is to feed the body with key nutrients that are known to help inhibit overtraining. According to Poliquin individuals engaging in endurance activities such as running should supplement with adequate carbohydrates and the vitamin C and E (both potent antioxidants), which can help replenish glycogen and avoid overtraining. If you are more into strength training, Poliquin encourages taking glutamine, branched-chain amino acids, and extra whole foods protein to further adaptations and anabolic hormone response.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Be Kind to the Resolutionaires
But before you revel in the demise of the resolutionaires, remember you were once just like them. You needed help. Most gym heads, including myself, can remember that one individual that offered us advice and motivation when we first started. So I challenge you Mr. and Mrs. gym head, when you see a resolutionaire looking completely lost as they look at a machine, don't be afraid to offer your advice. You never know, you might be saving a life. Also to the resolutionaires, the big guy with all the muscles won't eat you, so don't be afraid to ask for his advice.