Monday, July 15, 2013

Estrogen Dominance

Today’s topic is for my female friends. But I would encourage my fellow males to also read this, as you might be able to help the women in your lives. ESTROGEN DOMINANCE. You may have heard this phrase before, but I would wager that most women have no clue what this means. Well think about it like this, if you have ever had any of the issues listed below, you are probably estrogen dominant:

1) Fibrocystic breast disease
2) PMS
3) Uterine fibroids
4) Breast cancer
5) Endometriosis
6) Infertility problems
7) Endometrial polyps PCOS
9) Auto-immune disorders
10) Low blood sugar problems
11) Menstrual pain
12) Migraines during menstrual cycle
13) Uncontrollable weight gain
14) Sensitive breast and skin
15) Insomnia
16) Anxiety and depression
17) Gall bladder problem
18) Underactive Thyroid
19) Yeast infections
20) Osteoperosis
21) Alcohol dependence

So what exactly is estrogen and in excess, how can it cause the issues listed above? Estrogen is a sex hormone produced by both males and females. Women produced greater volume than males. In a perfect world, the female body produces large amounts of estrogen during the first 14 days of her 28 day cycle. This is used to create the endometrial lining of the uterus. After 14 days, the ovaries should release mature follicles (eggs). This period is called ovulation, and the support system left behind in the ovaries, is called the Corpus Luteum, which now helps with the production of the hormone progesterone (keeps egg fertilized when inseminated). During this time, estrogen levels should drop dramatically, and the whole world should feel right. Progesterone levels stays somewhat elevated, but slowly declines over the next 14 days, until the female has her period, which means unfertilized eggs, and the endometrial lining are excreted. At this point the process starts all over again.

When estrogen is allowed to run opposed, the 28 day cycle, is thrown off. This causes a drop of in progesterone production, eventually leading to estrogen dominance. The question I am sure you might be asking is, what can be causing an over production of estrogen. For starters, do note that even though a female may have a period, it doesn’t always means that she ovulated, which translates to no progesterone. What are some reasons for a lack of ovulation? Research points the finger to stress, nutrition (bottled water, mass produced meats. soy…), anovulatory cycles, birth control pills, birth control shots, tubal ligation (tubes tied), hysterectomies, obesity, and menopause. When estrogen production remains constantly high, the liver is unable to process and process and remove the excess causing a build up, which leads to a number of the issues I mentioned above.

How does one now if they are estrogen dominant, if they do not show some of the dramatic symptoms such as fibroids or if you live a fairly healthy life? My answer would be simply this, get to know your body. If you notice say your moods swings are happening more frequently, consult with your doctor. Perhaps your period cramps are more painful, consult with your doctor. If your budget will allow it, test your estrogen levels at the beginning of the 28 day cycle, at the half way mark, and towards the end. If the levels are elevated above reference ranges during the 28 days, then you are estrogen dominant. Also test your progesterone levels, and if they are indeed low consult with your doctor regarding progesterone replacement therapy. FYI studies indicate that progesterone creams applied vaginally appear to have a better absorption rate. Also if you believe you might be estrogen dominant, make lifestyle changes, such as coming off birth control pills and shots where possible, incorporate diet comprised of organic foods, exercise more consistently, and create a more stress free life.

I hope you found this information useful. Stay fit and well family.

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